We pride ourselves on being an environmentally conscientious corporate citizen. Investing significantly in the latest environmentally sustainable processes and procedures to ensure our environmental impact is minimised at every level.

Our environmental sustainability and environmental protection strategies are centred around the in-house recycling of EPS and other EPS manufacturing derived waste, waste management and waste reduction outcomes. The manufacturing of EPS products is a low pollution process; to explain this we have put together a brochure on the environmental aspects of Expanded Polystyrene.

Our Environmental Footprint

  • In-house polystyrene recycling plant.

  • Cardboard/paper recycling.

  • Dust created from the manufacturing process is captured and recycled

  • Bulk bags, pallets, tie-down netting/pegs and strapping recycling.

  • Polystyrene collected from building sites state-wide and recycled at Unipod

  • Stormwater collection for garden maintenance.

  • Energy (Electricity, Gas and Steam) Consumption Minimisation Program.

  • Drain protection devices installed to prevent PS contamination of stormwater.

  • Green office principles adopted.

Process of EPS

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